Lesbian Dad

Mother of God, LD is up for a Bloggie!


Who knew?! Clearly not me.

If it weren’t for a friendly note from someone who found out about Lesbian Dad from the voting page, I’d have never, ever known.

Nominations opened January 1st, closed January 12th, and then randomly selected voters chose finalists from a list of the most-nominated weblogs. And yegods, LD made the cut for one of four “Best GLBT Weblog” contenders!

Knock me over with a feather.

People even been voting on this stuff for, like, almost a week already.  Voting closes this coming Sunday, January 31st.

Here I was, in semi-retirement (right, well, I am prone to exaggeration), chewing over various dilemmas regarding how to write honestly through events — whether personal or global – that defy words and wear down the spirit, pondering how to continue to write about my kids when one of them is now aggressively literate.  When my daughter looks at the WordPress admin page over my shoulder and asks, “Is that you, Lesbian Dad?”  I still can’t tell if it’s an “Et tu, Brutus?” type of a question or a “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” one.  Time will tell.

Meanwhile, whilst I was dozing at the wheel, the vehicle rolled onto Broadway, all megawat-lit, sidewalks overflowing with people and press and paparazzi! Oh my!

So: for you still-faithful LD readers who haven’t abandoned ship, even though it might have seemed as if we were lazily drifting toward an iceberg (we so weren’t, it just looked like it): would you consider meandering over to the Bloggies voting page and cast a vote for LD for Best GLBT Weblog? Unless of course you read and prefer to honk the horn for Aussielicious, Lesbifriends, Queerly Complex, or Naked Blog.

Thank the dieties, this is a one-vote jobbie. You vote once; you have to confirm it via responding to a link in an email sent back at you; if you vote a second time your first vote is replaced. Bingo! ‘At’s what I’m talkin’ about.

Unlike in weblog award competition-jamborees past, I feel no competitive zeal (these are my sistren and brethren, after all), and neither will I shamelessly pander for your votes by reminding you to do so at the end of EACH and EVERY post.  Ahem.

And for the rest of youse, you recent, Bloggie-driven visitors who are asking yourselves, “Who are you, Lesbian Dad?” I can help answer the question with a flurry of links:

  • •   I have an About page, with all the requisite background-filling and context-setting;
  • •   I recently did a round-up of most-commented posts for each month last year;
  • •   I keep a slowly growing Best Of page; and
  • •   I compiled an exhasutive (and exhausting) collection of the posts I did leading up to, during, and following the bruising Prop 8 battle in California, where I hail from and am raising my two kiddles.

There’s that, plus sundry other pages attempting to help guide queer parents — or the LGBT-headed family-curious — through the wilderness.

Help yourself, please.  You may have to pour yerself another cup.

You’ll find a friendly community of folks at this salon here, goaded on and facilitated by a mannish lesbian writing mostly about her parenthood and (per single-author, personal narrative  blog tendencey) often a great many other semi-related matters that cross her mind, weigh down her heart, or wad up her knickers.  I’ve been at this since about a year-and-a-half after our first child’s birth.  She’s in Kindergarten now, and she has a little brother.



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