Carnegie Hall, NYC.
No, I didn’t ask anyone how to get there. But I was tempted. [See also: “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?“Â which actually leads not to the storied performance venue, but into a barnyard.]
Carnegie Hall, NYC.
No, I didn’t ask anyone how to get there. But I was tempted. [See also: “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?“Â which actually leads not to the storied performance venue, but into a barnyard.]
Knew I’d snare somebody with that. Thanks, brother.
There was a great story in the Times some years ago (as indicated by the now defunct 9 line) about a tourist asking a cop in Penn Station how to get to Lincoln Center. Said tourist cut herself off, saying, “I know, practice, practice.”
The cop replied, “No, that’s how you get to Carnegie Hall. To get to Lincoln Center, take the uptown 1/9 to 66th Street.”
I love that story.