Lesbian Dad

Just in time for Pride!

Yeah, well, so. In lieu of selling ads, and also in lieu of selling my organs, I will commence a six-month trial period during which I will sell SWAG (dedicated LD page here). With snappy slogans and captions on it. All of which to try to underwrite put a dent

And we’re off!

Today the voting begins for the Best Lesbian Blog of the Year Award (after a thorough perusal of the finalists, you may vote here). I thought a right fine way to kick it off would be to provide my own (admittedly idiosyncratic, certainly under-informed) synopsis of the blogs on offer.

Something blue

[Day four of Robin’s Some/thing old, new, borrowed, blue funfest, in honor of Freedom to Marry week. Lots of folks have joined the party — take a peek. Many thanks to Robin for a delightfully inventive idea.] My grandfather’s bench. That’s what I’m going with, for something blue. (I highly

back up that-away
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