Lesbian Dad

Weekend bonus shot, Monday edition

IMG_6050 - Version 2

Boy oracle, Los Angeles County Open Space, CA.

This is what happened: they found a dead field mouse whilst hiking, and buried it. (OK Mama buried it, managing to do so without touching it, no simple matter.  Baba looked bravely on from a distance of 15-20 feet.)  Then they gathered bouquets of lupine, mustard grass, and other wee wildflowers,  laid them at the base of this tree, and held a ceremony for the spirit of the dead field mouse, wishing him safe travels on his journey to his next life. The lil’ peanut perched himself on a spot affording the best vantage point from which to watch the proceedings.

Some dog-walking passers-by looked upon the scene and exclaimed, “Oh, sage, please enlighten me!” or some such. Since oracles in days of yore used animal entrails (among other somewhat less grodie things) to aid in their divination, they mightn’t have been far off the mark.  Except: as a tireless sidekick to his sister, and therefore the youngest in most any clump of kids, he is more often seeker than prophet.

Like the field mouse, I reckon that won’t last for ever.

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