Weekend bonus shot, 08.30.08
Headdress, Berkeley, CA. “Do you like my hair? Some of it is blonde, and some of it is just my dress. I’m pretending it’s a headdress.”
Headdress, Berkeley, CA. “Do you like my hair? Some of it is blonde, and some of it is just my dress. I’m pretending it’s a headdress.”
We all sat around the room at my sister’s house, postponing dinner for nearly an hour. Our ages ranging from 1.5 years to 87, tweenagers and a teenager, thirty-somethings and forty-somethings and sixty-somethings, and we all of us watched, only the 1.5 year old not riveted. I am so proud
…and the rest of us, let’s not rest until we finish the job in her name. Del Martin, lesbian civil rights pioneer, died in San Francisco today at the age of 87. She is survived by her partner of 55 years, and legal spouse of 71 days, Phyllis Lyon. I