Lesbian Dad

Baba’s mood is…

Recent illustration of goddess knows what, hopefully not Baba, by the lil’ monkey. Baba’s mood is…skittish. Or maybe brooding. Yeah, that’s it. Brooding in a kind of a skittish sort of a way. Later today I’m to have minor surgery (I check into the “In N’ Out” floor of the

Pomo hi-jinx and an econ riddle

Pictured above: a media tongue-twister. A photograph, displayed on a blog, of a media playback device displaying a photograph, which appeared on a blog. Which photograph, by the way, only exists digitally. Unless and until I (or anyone else, for that matter) downloads and prints it. The moment it “captures”

New Year’s clearance

At left: Glitter glam dress lights up the couch, Dorrington, CA. Last week when LD was OWON (Offline WithOut Notice), I had written most of a draft piece about the Christmas holiday. In it I wrote about how when I was young, the holiday’s primary meaning stemmed from the repetition

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