Lesbian Dad

We have us a winning post title

Remember last week, when I did a Reader Appreciation Day funfest thingie, and asked folks to send in potential post titles, for which I would then write a matching post? The winning title-submitter would become the proud owner of the prototype LD Loves Me keychain: explicable to a select few;

Help is on the way

A long overdue site rehab is now getting underway in earnest. LD has needed sprucing for a while, but the Great Spam Attack of ’08, plus the intercession of an angelic friend, has got the boulder moving. Any preferences? I mean, you people are the ones who’ll notice the most.

Thank you, gentle readers

Today was Reader Appreciation Day, an event spear-headed by Robin Reagler, our gal over at The Other Mother. Robin has been a lesbian parent blogospheric cheerleader par excellence lately. This is her second group fun-fest in a few months, the earlier one being the Freedom to Marry week carnival of

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