Lesbian Dad

(Tap tap tap tap) Is this thing on?

Er. Ahem. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my blogular life. First post, post-hiatus. Hope I know where to find the I REALLY MEAN THIS key. And the only kidding key. The spring term of my freshman year of college, I took an incomplete in my Western

Other people’s Mother’s Day posts we like

Since I’m not doing one this year (alas), I’m acting as directional signpost. I’m hoping that Blogging for LGBT Families Day may take up some of the Mother’s Day thematic slack for me when I’m back to my regularly scheduled publication practices. (By the way, Vikki, does this count? A

A picture better be worth a thousand words

Lil’ monkey blazes through the sound barrier. Training wheels just out of sight. But not out of mind. A picture better be worth a thousand words, because that’s looking like all I’ll have time to post over the next several weeks. Pictures, I mean, rather than a thousand words. A

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