Better for the moment not to intersperse these with words — which per usual I have more than enough of, though per usual often not enough time to share ’em. The story that’s there is right fine and true. [Ed note #1: You could of course roll over the pictures for wee captions, though. You know, if you wanted. Don’t have to.]
[Ed note #2: Infinite thanks to AnnZ for the open-hearted, practically open-ended loaner of the spiffy camera whose eye caught all these moments.]
As usual, all your pics are lovely. But that last one–it’s heart stopping. The love, the comfort, the shared pleasure–I’m totally verklempt. Thanks for sharing with us.
Your photos are all good, but that last one is just amazing. What an awesome moment. Maybe it’s just that my own dad is visiting right now and I’m extra warm and fuzzy about the child-grandparent bond. It’s a beautiful thing.
I couldn’t decide which is more dear, the Lil’ Peanut or your Pops; and then I saw the last picture and realized the exponential power of the two of them together was the strongest force of all. So sweet!
What awesome pictures. One of the things that has made me so happy over the past 7 years is the time that our daughter has been able to spend with her Grampy, who will always laugh at every knock-knock joke, no matter how many times he has heard it.
Gosh, I love this. Is it wrong how much I adore your dad??? 🙂 Lucky, lucky you (and him) to have him as your father. That last picture is absolutely priceless.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s not the equipment, it’s the eye behind the view finder, the finger on the shutter, and the heart that knows when to make it all work together… I am grateful to be a minor enabler!
that last picture of the men you love the most in this earth is just so cute…beautiful