Lesbian Dad

Hey, hey! What do you say?*


Special open thread-ish Sunday edition of LD.  Why? All kinds of stuff is happening!

I know some of you attended Join the Impact / marriage equality / LGBT civil rights rallies yesterday.  (Running attendance totals here.)  Accounts and photographs are proliferating hither and yon on the internets.  But I’d love to hear from you all in particular (and I’d bet some of you all would like to hear from each other).  

So: who went where?  What was it like?  Favorite signs?  Feelings, before/ during/ after?  And/or on a broader scale, whether or not you were able to or interested in attending: where do you place public assemblies like this, relative to other means of social communication and change work?  How are you feeling about this whole marriage equality/LGBT family recognition/rights stuff, nation-wide?  After AK, AZ, CA, and FL and their aftermaths?

If you’ve written about this in a blog post, hey, give us the link!  Otherwise, hold forth here!

The handful of surveys I’ve run through this blog have all netted FASCINATING and DETAILED insights in a way that comments haven’t (non-registered people talk up, & those who don’t feel as inclined to write so directly in the glare of public attention).  With a little more time (and a sense of whether this would scratch a useful itch) I can try to hook up a simple survey.  I know I’d be interested. 

Meanwhile: Hey, hey!  What do you say?


* Had to bust in, just past lunch on Monday, to say:

 “Brown urges state high court to hear anti-Prop. 8 suits,”  writes Bob Egelko in the online version of the San Francisco Chronicle, 17 Nov 2008.

“The profound importance of the issues raised by Proposition 8 warrants that this matter be reviewed and promptly resolved by the California Supreme Court,” Brown said in a statement accompanying a brief filed with the court.

Batter up!

back up that-away
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