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Posted Date:
October 16, 2007
Mostly a picture
Re: the lil' peanut
Squash goatee
back up that-away
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He looks like an itty-bitty scruffy hipster! I LOVE this picture.
I totally see the lyrical, politically insightful, emotionally expressive, acoustic guitar-playing heart-throb in there behind the organic butternut squash. But then maybe I’m projecting.
No no, I see it too! I see as-yet-unborn teenage girls swooning and melting into those eyes. Maybe boys too, but for whatever reason, in this vision, I’m seeing girls.
Well, dear Liza, dear Liza, I’m afraid you and I are both fairly out in the open on this one: with visions that entail swooning, we tend to see girls. I’m just saying.
I’m glad to see we’re not the only ones who let our son’s curly hair run wild.
He is absolutely, adorably cute.
Thank you, Chris. I sez, let ‘er rip. I’m thinkin, early Robert Plant:
I may encourage him to button up his shirt in public, though. Except on hot days and in discotheques.
lordy that child looks like his mama.
love this blog, i read it religiously.
speaking of religious. he looks like an angel. and angel of the butternut squash
Thank you, DG!
I write it religiously! Even if oftentimes I am Fallen, and can barely get up. (You should see the backlog of unwritten essays circling the airport of my mind! Whadda mess!)
Stand by for cheese-bag PhotoShopped image of a butternut squash with angel’s wings.
(When time permits.)
And yes: thank the goddesses the beloved got a little likeness off on one of her spawn. Eighteen months heaving and ho’ing them around, plus squeezing each one of ’em out (@ 9lbs each!). She’s gotta get some kinda bennies.
Robert Plant? I was gonna go more with a Woody Guthrie vibe?
Yeah. I guess not so acoustic. But Woody’s hair isn’t frizzy enough. Mebbe Bob Dylan?
Mebbe Cate Blanchett at Bob in the upcoming “I’m not there”?
I bet you could toss together a Bob Dylan halloweenie outfit with guitar, shades, harmonica and brace plus matching black pants and pea coat.
Oops crikey meant Cate “as” Bob…the perils of posting swiftly @ work.
Sorry I didn’t catch that. Perils of moderating swiftly @ work. Really I strive to be a gracious host, and fixing typos ought to be included along with tasty appetizers, appropriate lighting, and the right kind of background music played not too loudly.