Lesbian Dad

Sleeping booty

This is what greeted me when I returned from a morning away, with Grandma on grandson duty.  From every other angle it’s an elaborate drape of blankets, towels, and sheets.  But through this one peep-hole, you can see the raison d’etre. That little computer mouse-shaped object at the end of the

21st of 21

A little mid-marriage equality/LGBT civil rights rally PDA, under the watchful eye of St. Pat’s.  Ahem. [Photo: Cheryl Dumesnil.] I like to think that love will conquer all. I like to believe that the more of us believe this, the more true it becomes. If we’re not there yet  —

20th of 21

THE POWERPUFF GIRLS SAY NO TO HATE! & YES TO LOVE! This was taken just a little over a day ago, though it feels like a week.  On the Day of Decision, the afternoon after the CA Supreme Court released its cowardly ruling upholding Prop 8 for the thinnest and

back up that-away
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