Lesbian Dad

(Tap tap tap tap) Is this thing on?

Er. Ahem.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my blogular life. First post, post-hiatus.

Hope I know where to find the I REALLY MEAN THIS key. And the only kidding key.

The spring term of my freshman year of college, I took an incomplete in my Western Civ class. Sudden illness brought on, most likely, by too hurly-burly an intellectual pace. (So much to think about, so little time!) The more the months ticked away, after the term ended, the more the pressure began to mount on the papers I owed to clear the incomplete. Eventually it got to the point where they needed to explicate all that was aching and achingly beautiful about the world, and everything about the literary arts that would mend it, or render it. The papers I had to write were about cheery volumes like Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Mann’s Death in Venice. You know, lite fare. Why do they even let eighteen year-olds near books like that?!! Like it’s not torturous enough to simply be eighteen.

Anyway. First post, post-hiatus, feels a little like Death in Darkness meets Heart of Venice.

What movie was it — Annie Hall? — in which Woody Allen stops Dianne Keaton, mid-stride, early in the evening on their first date? He whirls her around by the shoulders and plants a smooch her, just to get the stress of the first kiss overwith.

Well, smooch.

There. See you tomorrow.

back up that-away
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