Last year, for the first annual Blog Reader Appreciation Day (brainchild of Robin Reagler at The Other Mother), I did a “name that post” contest. Â I invited readers to submit post titles, for which I would write the post. Â A secret panel of experts would choose which one.
Generally descriptive of how I’ve managed to run this blog thing, and specifically descriptive of how the last year has gone, I lost the keychain I was going to send to the gal who came up with last year’s winning post title — “Waving not drowning,” by Chumpy — AND I never did write the damn post. I will not add to the embarrassment by listing the other over-promised and under-delivered posts. Â But they are there, and we both know it.
Equally descriptive of the slow but steady return of a modicum of my competency (kids are getting older; time has passed since the Prop 8 wallop): last week I finally found the frickin’ keychain (pictured here), and I swear I will be sending it before I lose it again. Â I swear.Â
This time last year, I thought the “Waving not drowning” theme was going to wrap around the beloved’s and my slow emergence from the hellacious and action-packed First Year of the Second Child.  Unfortunately,  before I could get my writerly bearings, the California Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage was constitutional  and, soon after the elation wore off, we all got yanked on a hellacious and action-packed roller coaster ride  to preserve that bright, brave moment of judicial insight. Â
The ride has still not glided to a stop, even if it has been coasting for a little while. Â Coasting, that is, for us over here in Cali. Â It’s been zip- zip- zipping elsewhere in the nation. Â Thankyouverymuch Conneticut, Iowa and Vermont, and good luck to you New York. Â (Giddyup New Jersey or your doppelganger to the north’ll beat you to a punch you deserve to have punched first.)
But so. Â I have yet to specifically do right by Chumpy and write that contarn post. Â I hope to pluck myself out of public embarassment before the CA Supreme Court rules again and then sets me either into a depression or a dither, depending. Â I won’t say when I’ll get the thing done, but I will try to pleasantly surprise us all. Â The one thing that’s not surprising is that whatever it is that the title refers to will probably be something other than (or at the least in addition to) what I first thought it would be.
My gratitude to you who who read this thing is hard to put into words, but of course I’ll try. Â Like everyone who starts to write in this kind of venue and is not already a household name, I had hopes of readers beyond my friends and family, but no expectations. Â
Those of you who read this number a bit more than the small circle of kindred spirits I initially hoped for. Â In fact, you have exceeded whatever expectations I would have had, had I mustered any. Â So for that — essentially, for expanding my imagination about how many kindred spirits there just might be out and about — thank you. Â
Those of you who have read and chatted back, thank you especially.Â
Those of you who have written me offline to say something personable, or encouraging, or reassuring, or comforting, thank you thank you thank you emotionally.
Those of you who are reading and writing offline as you reach across some line of difference between us, whether it’s a hairline or a chasm, thank you most especially. Â That stretch we both make to touch fingertips is going to make all the difference for us both.
And now, Â the remainder of my thanks via numbers:
2:Â people this blog would be immeasurably worse without (my partner, who reads at least 50% of posts in draft form, and my friend annz who subsidized its design upgrade — yes, she did — and copyedits for typos with unchecked zeal)
3: people this blog wouldn’t exist without (daughter,  son, and  beloved partner; together they are responsible for 75% of my material and 110% of my motivation to use it to try to make of the world a more just and loving place)
24+:Â people who wrote me, before, during, and after the Prop 8 vote last year, to provide moral support (most of whose post-election emails I lost in a tragic computer accident, but lord love me I read ’em and had just screwed up the spirit to begin to write back when I inadvertently erased the whole mailbox)
35:Â bloggers who ran an LD fundraising link to help fight Prop 8 (check ’em out here)
238:Â folks who donated to fight Prop 8 through that link (check ’em out here)
529:Â readers who’ve registered to comment over the past three years — check you out in all your glory:
280Main, 2momsfor6, AbbieBabble, abster, admin, adriastep, akem, Alberto, alhall, Ali, alicewonderland0, Alice_H, Alicia, AllieGreenhouse, Allison, alphafemme, alwaysjaniesmom, amalmallo, amazonmidwife, Ambrakam, Ampersandprime, Amy, ana, andrea, Andreerah, Angela, angelabocage, AngelaSunShine, angelina…inoakland, Annemarie4, annz, anotherjenny, anotherothermother, Ansett, aobriant, apeaceofus, aqueercouple, archaeonerd, artsweet, AshleyRose, Att, avyates, awholelotofnothing, ayelet, BabaDawn, Babybeet, babyzen, barrett314, barry4th, Bean, Bebhinn, beck, BeethovenLives, berkeleydad, bethany, bevin, blackcadillac73, bluemilk, BlueOx, boisestudley, Bonnie, borneochica, bosssanders, BOSSY, breathingmoss, breeanne, bridge, Brooke, Brooklynite, bug, buggedvoter, ButchFashionista, c.ars, caffection, caitlin, cake, calliope, cardamom, carol, Caroline, carolyn, carolyn1007, Carrie, carys, Cat@PinkAsparagus, cathyalston, CatLoaf, cbjsgirl, cedirkly, cherylf, Chicory, Chumpy, cityjam, Claire, Clare, claudiusmaximus,, codygrrl, ColleenSchmitt, colvin, Conversemomma, corin, cpettitmiller, crismcg, crismoon, Crunchy, crushedout, Crystalynn, cupoflizard, D, dadleigh, debbie, Deedy, despeser, diazepam102, Didi, dimplecheek, directorgrrl, djkash, dlvc, DonMillsDiva, Doodaddy, dorothysnarker, dosia, doulameg, dragondreamer, drfantastic, drudolph, elovest, eggdropblogger, ekkeac, eleanor, eliza, elizac-j, Elizabeth, Ellis, elmcee, elsophie, elusive_77, emily, emilyl.silverman, emmy, epiphenita, epowley, eric, eric321, EricainIthaca, ericka, erin, EssenceRec, Eunoia, eyejunkie, ezfez, EzraandUs, face121, FairyTalesSuck, fannievon, fannyvon, FemiKnitMafia, flossie, forthelonghaul, francesca, freedomgirl, fumblingontrack, gamingwithbaby, genderkid, giddings, goodsmith, GraceChu, GraciesDaddy, greensubmarine, GreenWeaver, gwendoma, gwendomama, G_of_fairyfamily, hahnathome, hanigroeg, harlynaizley, HarlynA, harmony, hatchedbytwochicks, Heather, heidib, helen, hendo, HerBadMother, hersalways, hr789, huckleberryfinn, iampeas, icantsay, illegitimateAngel, imjudypooh, immoralmatriarch, inadvertentgardener, innercitygarden, insertmetaphor, IronLesbian, IrreverendAmy, Isobel, izaguirres, j, JacqMissiTan, jacqtremblay, Jaderlea, janean, jaqa220, jayfid, jb, JC, jclandes, Jeanine, jeffbowman, Jen, JenBurke, JenM, JENNA2008, JennyH, jennyj, jennymgdo, JenRink, jenslp, JerriAnn, jewelgeek, JillianRose, jon, jphay, jrw, juliagoolia, juliamora, Julie, Juliet, juls, justkeepswimming, Justpowers, jvg5400, kaarestakj, kanga43, Karen, KarenSeeta, karunarhay, Karyn, KatherineK, katieinchicago, katieschwartz, kaygigi, kbwilkinson, kdb2q, Keli, Kelly, kellyem, Keri, Kimcambron, kimi, Kimmylyn, kipkenoweef, kkerbrat, kokojero, konagod, kp, kpadams, Kristy, kyla, lara, LaraCarina, LauraC, LauraP, lauren, lcheadley, legallybevin, leigh, leo, leomaccool, leo_maccool, librarygrrrl, LieselElliott, LifeUnderage, liferun, liferunner, LiKa, lilacsigil, lilysea, linie_dreapta, Liza, LizetteV, lizk, Lizzy, Lizzywiz, llyn52, LookyDaddy, lora815, love.ceej, lt0055, Lucky, lulazoid, lunchbuckets, LVAmaro, LynnC., LynnCameron, Lyuba, m2inVT, MA, MaceInSpace, magdeline28, maggie, MajorBedhead, Malkaseemah, mamalion, Mamanongrata, MaMaMia, mamamuse, mamaom, mamato3girls, ManLesbian, mapa2three, Marcey, MargoCarper, Maria, Marjorie, martha, marthavictoria1981, martian77, marypierce13, mattockm, maurinsky, Maxx, mcewen, mcontini, megincl, Mermaidgrrrl, merrilyrolling, mgrube12, miarno, michele, micheleluecking, MidLifeClarity, mikhela, Milly, miriam, missbeegail, missbritt, mkatyc, mlthompson, mndajoy, Mocha, Momai, mommymae, mplsbutch, MrLady, Mrs.Micah, mrsbluemont, msbutch, mtf, mvconsidine, mysteriouscreature, narra, ncush07, neeekeee, neeekeeee, neiladri, Nelfy, NellyFace, Nenya, Nhamo, Nickoal, nightgigjo, Nina, NinaSunshine, Ntwohotmamas, NursePam, nyclel, oceanaloola, ohchicken, ohthejoys, oldc, OldGreyMare, OmaFry, OtherMomPDX, outtajo, owinch, pablohoneysf, pachysandra, Pamala, Penelope, perkl8, Petlemiewly, pe_in_pa, PiecesofGray, Pingu, pjrose, placentasrus, PleariFueri, pleasantstreets, plinde, PollyFan, porschay, pourlebebe, preciousronnie, PreemieTwinsNanny, proudsonof2moms, psledge, p_in_pa, Rachael, rachelboesing, RachelSarah, rachelsgf, RainbowMom13, rajencreation, redheadranting, Regina, Renata, Reno, rev2bebt, riley, Rishley, rosboss, rosiewolf, rreagler, Rsquare1009, Ruffian706, S., s00ki, sabrae, sadein, sagemyrrh, san, sara, Sarah, SarahLu, sbg6, scarbiedoll, schmutzie, sconniepops, SDS, serdmann, sethsmom, Shane, shaney35, Shannon, Shelley, Shelli, Shereen, SheriBheri, ShirleyMalmborg, sickandtwisted90, sinnysw, SJayneI, SJnky, skylar6, SkysBeda, SMARTINEZ0607, smartypants_inc, smurf, snail, sososmith, SparklieSunShine, spencer, St, St.Joeinexile, starrhillgirl, stephanie, Stine, stmartinlynne, stompie.smax, StudyingStones, SubversiveFemale, Summerm, sundripjournals, susan, susan2, sussabmax, SweetTea, sybil, tcamp, tessita, test, theKIABIL, theplanetofjanet, thealexcalibur, themoosevolta, theredbaron, theresidentgeek, thetotalfemme, thirdsister, Tiger,, tinsenpup, Tosifers, tracerhawk, traceyfromkc, Tricia, Trista, tron, Trooper36, tuimeltje, Turbo, TwentyFourAtHeart, twoladiesinwaiting, tylergeek, ullalauridsen, umarae, useless_rambler, valeriegp, valsroadtrip, vanclej1, Vikki, violetta, virgotex, VTex, waiting, wen521, Whimsy, Whitney, wigglerooms, willowsbrain, womanwithkids, woodnymphs_mom, writelikeagirl, writerach406, writingasjoe, wrongshoes, wyliekat, Y, Yamara, youaresoanalog, zan, zaneymama, Zeb86, and zstrassburger.
3,307:Â comments made on this thing over the past three years (yeah, including mine, which means mebbe two thirds are actually you folks)
7,540:Â unique visitors last month (most of you checking back regularly, for which, again, thank you)
16,763:Â dollars LD readers & linkers raised to fight Prop 8, making the LD fundraising page the single biggest fundraiser on the ActBlue No on 8 fundraising pages (yow!)
infinite:Â my gratitude for your time, your spirit, your support, and your solidarity.
What a wonderful post!
I bow down and swoop the hat back with a flourish to you, who have given us blogger folks the inspiration.
It’s been my pleasure to reconnect with you through reading your blog. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and insight as we all make our way in the world.
i haven’t commented in forever, because i thought i lost my password, but there it was in my email account mocking me with my technological incompetency. as a member of generation x i have no excuse.
but i want to thank you for sticking it out, and writing through the hard times. you are an inspiration to a lot of us, i think, and there’s some of us at least who wish our parents could take lessons from you 🙂
Wow – I remember that contest…what a year it’s been! And thank you for writing! 🙂 I still enjoy your blog so much and love watching your little ones grow. Keep writing, and I’ll keep reading.
You forgot a number. 1: The number of people who write this blog, whose writing has brought together a community a readers worthy of being appreciated.
Thank you, LD, for every post. Even the ones with the big words that I have to sound out.
Thank you all of youse. You are very kind.
Freedomgirl, you flatter. And also, I hope that by the time my youngins are no longer young, they might share your opinion. Hopin’ against hope that at the least they don’t use up too much therapy time on me.
And L,D!, your estimable approbation is salutary indeed, though unfortunately it is likely to only exacerbate my undisciplined logophilia. Which would be not such a good thing.
You are welcome, I enjoy every photo and word you post. So how would one get in touch with you off line should she wish? I have used the contact link once or twice but never received a reply to the question so I presumed it got lost in the ether.
O me o my. I am so very sorry. Yes. I’m afraid to say, a whole mailbox of mail from the “Contact” form got excised late last year when a worm (?!) had gotten in (via a Twitter notification? it’s all very confusing to me) and began to chew up the content of the saved emails (subject line remained, sender too, but the messages were methodically becoming blank). Beyond this debacle, there is the daily/weekly debacle of my opening up an email, partially responding to it — or worse, thinking I have! — and then it floats up, up, up and away.
Your mail probably got lost in the ether that hovers above my computer, or the one that fogs up my brain. I’m very sorry. I worry that at best, I’ll manage to respond to 75-80% of my email. Sadly, friends and family get about the same response rate as total strangers from the world of the internet. That may be comforting, or disconcerting, but alas there we have it. I am the sorry “Before” picture for any Getting Things Done campaign.
I’ll send a quick note via email and we can all cross our fingers again.
I agree with Looky, Daddy! Well said!
Thanks for all the wonderful posts and workouts you have given my head and most especially my heart with your words.
Oh here’s to transformational yanking of all kinds:
Never within any comfort zone but often a strangely necessary part of the plot…. and I’m also with Looky, Daddy!
Thank you so much, dimplecheek: your time here is very much appreciated.
And sister Chumpy, that Life of Brian clip is so fabulously, perversely perfect. Pretty much how my brain works, when it does work. That’s my organizing principle, too: to be a strange but necessary part of the plot.
I totally agree with L,D! that the community of people who make up the (audible) readers here is really something, and very much worthy of being appreciated. Good eggs, all, as me mum would say.
Awwww shucks- the pleasure is all ours.
Your welcome, and thank YOU for making this fine place.