Call me a breathless groupie, call me what you like, I don’t care. I’m all a-dither because I just read on Echidne of the Snakes that Katha Pollitt has a blog, entitled And Another Thing!
I mean, her Subject to Debate columns have been run on The Nation’s online venue for quite some time. But now we get her scintillating wit and incomparable cultural & political analysis randomly! And, one can only hope, more frequently! June 12th’s “Of Groceries, Abortions, and Nice, Classic Handbags” was her first post.
Okay. That’ll do for the breaking news for a while; I’m getting dizzy. Next dittie will be nothin’ but a baby picture.
Okay, early holiday gift for you (or is your birthday approaching?). . . I am lucky enough to be on a listserve that Pollitt frequents (feminist economics) and she just sent an email about her new collection of personal essays, “Learning to Drive and Other Life Stories” that will be coming out from Random House in the beginning of September.
About it she says: “You may have seen two of the pieces, “Learning to Drive” and “Webstalker,” in the New Yorker a few years ago, about my rather spectacular breakup and its aftermath. They were a bit notorious! The book has eleven essays — I write about love and sex, looks, weight, and getting older (“I Let Myself Go”), being mother of small baby back in the l980s (“Beautiful Screamer”), my Marxist study group , my father the Communist, my mother’s illegal abortion, proofreading pornography as a young woman in the l970s, also thoughts on getting older (men die first!), remarriage (last year), feminism, ecology and lots more. The book is very personal, as well as political.”
I have consulted this handy-dandy Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality, and have happily discovered that this evening is the Old European feast of the Triple Goddess (Goddess of the Moon and the Seasons), marking the transformation of the Virgin into the Mother. Plus tomorrow’s Shakyamuni Buddha Day–the day Tibetan Buddhists meditate on the Buddha’s teachings and strive to fulfill the Precepts. Either way, I’m covered.