Lesbian Dad

Doors of mystery

What happened to the week? Tech week, that’s what happened to the week.  So many things in the wide world to think and talk about, but alas. Duty called. And called. And never stopped calling. Mama’s opening a show tonight, and what that means is that the household has not

PB moustache

Compare with Squash goatee, of about a year and a half ago, for a quickie blast from the past. Double his lifetime later, he’s so sophisticated now. So debonair. So — hey! Is that a stinky diaper I smell?


This note is a list of items the girlchild and her brother recently decided they’d share, alongside a list of items they wanted to keep as their own, exclusively. Shareable (and I’ll rewrite into ordinary spelling): • doll • pony • ?? • books • elephant • cowboy hat •

back up that-away
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