Lesbian Dad

CA State Capitol Tomorrow, Nov 22!

sactographicI heard about this event yesterday from a fine fine lesbian blogger in the town of my birth:  

Please join us as we reach out to all the citizens of California to demonstrate that we will not tolerate discrimination to be written into our State Constitution.
Who: Anyone and everyone.

Where: California State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA

When: 11/22/08 2:00PM

Why: Equal Rights are inalienable and CANNOT be taken away.

In 1987 the largest rally for gay rights in Sacramento took place, counting 15,000 strong.  We need to stand together and make a statement that we will not stand idly by and let the rights of our sons, daughters, parents, and friends be taken away.  Twenty one years later — Are YOU ready to make history?

And hey: Attorney Gloria Allred and comedians Margaret Cho &  Selene Luna are confirmed speakers!

Co-sponsored by:

Equality Action Now  |  Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays | California Outreach


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