Apropos of nothing in particular about lesbian parenting, and everything in general about the world I hope my kids will grow up into, Michelle Obama’s speech from Monday:
and this herstoric speech, from the Contender, last night:
both courtesy The New York Times.
The great benefit of the Times version is that it has a running transcript next to it.
Watched both with the kids on the lap this morning. They applauded whenever the crowd did, which was a lot. Little guy for the fun of it. I think his older sister, too.
When she asked who they were, I said, “Really smart women who may be President one day. Like you.”
ooo..i like that answer. it’s pretty nifty to see such a world where a woman and a black man can both be serious contenders for the white house. makes me hopeful for the future where our children will grow.
hmm…. wonder if you can youtube rachel maddow’s mad commentary. with a little less makeup and a bit more bravado, if you can imagine that. WOWEEE
Okey dokey:
I’m watching Hilary’s right now.
I saw Michelle’s and I just sat there in awe. That woman just exudes class and grace. She’ll make a beautiful First Lady.
Oh, but did you hear that Bill is not going to attend Obama’s nom acceptance speech tonight? For some reason? Hmm…
Rhymes with flowered drapes.
And while we’re at the I heart Michelle Obama love-fest. Katha Pollitt hearts her too.
Here’s her speech before LGBT delegates in Denver. Do we love her? Yes we do. (Hat tip to Box Turtle Bulletin).
Tangentially related via great women, politics and LGBT, I received a shout-out above measure from the Blogger Tent in Denver today.
Ded from teh squee. Rachel says hi to me on video!
OMG, dude! I think, would be the appropriate response.
“Hi Virgo! Thank you for being a fan of my work in the — media machine!” I heard her say it. Watched it in living video.