Lesbian Dad

APB: Code Pink’s Mother’s Day Actions

“Remember the dead: Resist the War,” from MatthewBradley’s Flickr photostream.

I imagine the enlightened readership of this here blog is well aware of the genuine, pacifist origins of Mother’s Day. I’ll reprint Julia Ward Howe’s 1870 Mother’s Day Proclamation on the day proper, and just note here that Code Pink is organizing Mother’s Day actions (as they have in past years), in DC and across the country.

Here’s how you can find a Mother’s Day event near you.

And finally, here’s a Mother’s Day Call for Bay Areans (Bay Area-ites? you know, folks in the SF Bay Area) from the kind of lesbian mom that Sarah Schulman might have been comforted to know about last year, when she misunderestimated (!) some of our activist capacities.

[Further reading & food for thought: A September 2005 essay by Judith Stadtman Tucker, “Motherhood made me do it! or, How I became an activist”]

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