Lesbian Dad

Lear goes to lunch

At our family’s dining room-away-from-home. There are two kinds of lovers of literature: those who savor every word and image, regarding characters like they were old friends and old enemies. Then there are the rank opportunists, shameless scavengers who traipse through Great Books with the sole intention of poaching a

Holiday carousel

The other night we went to the Tilden Park carousel. Every year they doll it up, along with: the building it’s in, the roof on top of the building, the lawn in front, and an enormous, hundred-foot conifer. Lights, lights, lights, everywhere. Santas, snowmen, snowwomen, elves, reindeer, candy canes, and

Fifteen minutes of flame

You, too, can “Warholize” your images right ‘chere. The knock-off above came from an image that looked something like this before the Warholizer got to it. Because our household has enough frayed nerves to duck tape together, what with the pregnant one of us getting pregnanter and pregnanter by the

back up that-away
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