Picasso had his “Blue Period,” my son has his… Lollipop Period.
No, really. They’re lollipops. He and his sister went with Mama to get haircuts, and got lollipops afterward. His first lollipop.
He kept saying it over and over again: “Sissy n me got our haircut. She got a wed lollipop, n I got a lellow lollipop. And we shared a, we shared, a oowange lollipop. These are lollipops.”* And so on, ad infinitum. A little like the Jack Nickolson character in The Shining with the “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” sheets.
On the upside Picasso also had a “Rose Period,” and then he moved to African influences, then Cubism (Analytical and then Synthetic). On the downside, the only thing I can see developing out of this Lollipop Period is a Sperm Period. And I can’t begin to convey how not ready I am for that. Bless him.
* And now you see why I generally try to avoid quoting him directly right now. Treacle factor: 10.
I love this. Sometimes I forget how amazingly plastic their little brains are and how much a little influence can change everything. Thanks for reminding me what a profound impact even a lollipop can have. I strive to be conscious of my actions and words around my boys and now even more so.
Welcome, codygrrl! Couldn’t agree with you more!
As Mr. William Carlos Williams once said, perplexingly:
He could have also mentioned red lollipops, too, but it wouldn’t have made the poem any the less abstruse.
But hey! Guess what! Gramma (whose collaborative work with him this morning netted new photo #4), says: “Baloons! Some of them are baloons!” So. Rose Period, here we come.
I had a very informative conversation with an (alarmingly articulate) 30-month-old the other day. Being minus children this doesn’t happen to me as it might to other readers but I love it when it does.
He explained to me in great detail all the functions – pointer, drill etcetc. – of his ‘machine’. One might be foolish enough to think this machine was just 4 yellow duplo blocks topped with a duplo traffic cone but any sensible person would know that it was actually inhabited by a family of mice and a giant cheese. The best bit was how every suggestion from the grown-ups for a new function was greeted with a considered pause:
Could it be a torch?
[pause]….yes! with batteries.
But if there were batteries, where would the mice live?
IN the batteries [duh!]…and and the little mouse has a little ladder to get to the battery and the middle mouse has a bigger ladder to get to the battery and the mummy mouse has a HUGEr ladder.
Ladders? All the cheese you can eat? Sounds like fun in there.
I love all the different, shiny, lollipop/balloon colours in the last picture.
i wuv teh wowipops………..way.
It reminds me of the drawing of the elephant that has been swallowed by a boa constrictor in “The little Prince.” Seeing the world through a child’s eyes is amazing, huh?