Lesbian Dad


Love the t-shirts, even love the font on the t-shirts.  Their son is adorable, and had the best deadpan stare at the camera, from beneath a very fabulous hat. But, since I err on the conservative side w/ kid images (other than me own), the little cutie will have to

I heart Pride

The lil’ monkey moons at her downstairs cousin, who is demonstrating some primo Pride pride. Flip-side of his sign? “I was a witness when my Grandmas got married.”  Which he was. In 2004 and 2008.  He rollerbladed all the way up Market Street, complete with a rainbow flag superhero cape.

Weekend bonus shot, 06.28.09

En route to Pride, Berkeley, CA. We walked as a family to our nearest BART subway station: the girlie, the boychild, the beloved, her brother, and his two kids. Came back with our across-the-street lesbo family chums, about six hours,  several hot city miles, 5 ounces of sun screen, a

back up that-away
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