Lesbian Dad

Stop and smell the concert violinists

The Know-It-All-Brother-In-Law, known to the Acronym Oriented (or A.O.) as the K.I.A.B.I.L., forwarded me this piece, Pearls Before Breakfast, which ran in Sunday’s Washington Post.* If you haven’t yet read it, or heard about it, I urge you to spare the thirty minutes it will take to read the whole

What the Berkeley Parents are chewing on this week

The Berkeley Parents Network is a mammoth online community of fellow travellers, kvetchers, generous direction-givers, cranky back seat drivers, kibitzers, kindly saviors, passionate idealists, well-informed pragmatists, and diggers out of the mud. Pretty much like this town, only the parental, wired slice of it. Officially, they’re “a grass-roots, volunteer-run organization

LD is one today

Or, Get out your snow goggles, it’s a blizzard of links! A few stray posts on this blog date back to May 2005, but those are false labor signs. Blogular Braxton-Hickses. I sent up a flare from the blue-black darkness following my nephew’s death, then went back to licking my

back up that-away
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