Lesbian Dad

Begin again

I find multitasking and code-switching a tad challenging. For this reason, three years ago, when I launched into a non-communications/ non-social media-ish job, I found myself essentially hanging up my bloggy spurs. I did not, however, melt them down and make lawn art out of them. Fortunately for my neighbors. And  yet! I

Post Mother’s Day post

This is how we do Mother’s Day around here. She gets her day in May, and I get mine in June, alongside all the other dudes.* I know we two female-people parent combos (and two male-people parent combos) have many choices when we approach these binary parental holidays, Mothers’ and Fathers’. In

Camp It Up!

Year-old tie-dye hanging out to dry, Berkeley, CA. As it turns out, tie-dye shirts which have yet to be “set” and rinsed can indeed sit in a crumpled ball for a year, intimidating and then later forgotten, and be resurrected the weekend before departing for the family camp whence they came the

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