Lesbian Dad

My lady love

Mother of my children, people watching, San Francisco, CA. How do I love her? I would count the ways, but they’re countless, so all I can do instead is paste up confetti piece after confetti piece onto a pastiche-collage that will take me a lifetime to complete, and even then


Sunset over the Gate, the autumnal version, Berkeley, CA. This happens a handful of times a year, the sun behind the gate, on its northward and southward sweeps. Darn tootin’ my kids are going to know how special it is.

Guess where I’ve been?

Toiling in another field, that’s where! I could write a long lengthy post about it all, but hey! I already did! Over at… the new and vastly improved Lesbian Family website. Hie yourself on over there to see what we’re up to (and keep going back, because it’s only just

back up that-away
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