Lesbian Dad

“Weekend” bonus shot, 08.11.09

Tub mayhem, Carmel, CA. (Two years ago, these same kids were this big.)   Weekend bonus shot, Tuesday extendo- travelogue edition.  The day before we’re to return home from vacation, I finally find the library with WiFi.  Even though the bath has been a reliable barrel of fun, most of

We’re outta here!

Boychild skedaddles out the rabbit hole, leaving Baba in it. Children’s Fairy Land, Oakland.  As we have in past years, our family unit is relocating to the central coastal part of the state for the next week, to commune with the beloved’s dear Angeleno friend and her two kids at

Weekend bonus shot, 08.01.09

In the Three Little Pigs’ house, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland, CA. Per usual, I didn’t pose them, but was at the ready with the camera when they did what came naturally. Boychild: sunny, playful, open. Girlchild: probing, intense, absorbent.  Working in cahoots, the two of ’em could pretty much take the

back up that-away
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