Lesbian Dad

I have no doubt

His sister loved this t-shirt (a beloved gift from a beloved chum, who now runs the women’s center at Ohio University, thankyouverymuch). I was tickled whenever I saw our daughter wear it, but must confess I am even more tickled to see it on the boychild. I wasn’t the one

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Son, almost four, Berkeley, CA. One of the ways I’ve experienced photography, since the advent of children in my life, is that it freezes them (somewhere! somehow!) in a way that makes it possible to take their measure.  Given that the way of youth is to be nearly constantly in

15 of 31*

The stash, Berkeley, CA. I used to think stationary supply fetishes were hereditary. What with my mom’s, and then of course mine. But the little guy is proving I should not discount the powerful effect of environment, either. What with, you know, his. His out-of-town auntie asked what to get

back up that-away
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