Lesbian Dad

BlogHer Keynote Twitnotes

Summer afternoon, westward downtown Chicago as viewed from the Sheraton. Fourth in a four-part series of images of this exact same scene at various times of day (here’s morning, sunset, & night). Whilst I continue to marinate my lengthier observations about last weekend’s BlogHer conference in Chicago, here for posterity are my

‘Bye, Chicago

You’ve been good to me. Above, Saturday’s Chicago skyline, facing westward not long after the official BlogHer conference ended. Officially.  Unofficially, a good time continued to be had by all.  (A wee hint of room 3116 hovers in the reflection.) Next year, BlogHer’s annual conference will be August 6-7, in

‘Mornin, Chicago*

[*Update: now with new & improved “live Tweets” of the Keynote mentioned below. For the Tw-illiterate, you need to go to the very bottom of the string of Tweets (Twats, Twits) and read upward. But it ends with a pair of my favorite Twits/Twats/Tweets ever.] BlogHer/Chicago 09 Dispatch #3. I

back up that-away
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