Lesbian Dad

Privacy policy & all-purpose disclaimer

Privacy policy.

I respect the privacy of anyone I reference in these pages. I ought to: for over a dozen years I didn’t even include my own name here, and still don’t those of my family members.

Any time you do read a name, or see an image, that person (and/or her/his parent) has given me direct permission to use their name or image here.

The exception, of course, is standard journalism: names and images may appear without direct permission if the person enjoys (or suffers from) what is broadly understood as a “public profile,” and is otherwise already in the public eye. Photographs may appear of people in the public sphere (as v. the privacy of our backyard or our preschool, say). But even then, I give some thought to folks’ integrity, and the tacit implications of the image.

Likewise, I won’t share your email if you “register” to comment.

All-purpose disclaimer.

LesbianDad is a personal essay/photography blog, and its contents — textual and photographic — are published by one who means no harm to anything other than ignorance and mean-spiritedness (see above). For the majority of the dozen-plus years this thing has been online, I’ve funded it out of my pocket (for a time, I ran ads on this to help defray the costs, but no more). With the exception of one sponsored post, duly noted, I don’t review any products or do any remotely producty endorsementy things.

What I say herein does not constitute any kind of legal or medical advice, though I hope there’s wisdom of some value.  It also does not represent any beliefs or opinions of  my current employer.

If I missed an attribution or link for text or photography that’s other than my own, it was an oversight, and I’d love to be corrected.

Any links to other sites take you there of your own volition, and I’m not responsible for what you find on ’em (nor do I necessarily advocate their content by linking to them, and that goes double if they’re poorly written).


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page last updated: 4.06.19

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