Lesbian Dad

Bathtime checklist

A parental version of What’s On My iPod or some such thing like that. In descending order of importance, most to least: • kiddie towel with the cute hood thingy that keeps ’em cozy; • pennywhistle (from the Emerald Isle itself, via the Mother Outlaw; I’m abysmal at it but

Litquake Lit Crawl LesboDad Lipflappin’

San Francisco literati on on the move at the LitCrawl, 10.14.06. This past weekend, yrs truly had the honor of reading in public about my madcap journey to lesbian fatherhood. Litquake, San Francisco’s week-long literary festival, is dotted with readings, workshops, and performances celebrating writers and writing. Capping it off

back up that-away
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