Lesbian Dad

Multi-issue guy

Multi-issue guy, 43rd Annual LGBT Pride, San Francisco, CA.

In the absence of enough time to write up the big ole events of the past week, an ongoing trickle of photos.

This chap made an impact on the kids, such that even today, two days after Pride, they still fondly recall him. And do note that we live in Berkeley, so unique folk are, basically, commonplace to them. Except that some are more unique than others.

I spoke with this fellow (didn’t catch his name) as our contingent (Our Family Coalition) patiently waited in the queue to join the parade. He was looking to connect with the Bradley Manning contingent, and wondered where they might be.  I described the groups that were lined up behind us, and where I thought his Bradley Manning comrades were, and he smiled.  Then he commenced to slowly rotate, raising his arms, rainbow parasol in his right hand,  a very multi-issue sign in his left, and  call out happy omni-denominational blessings to all in earshot. Which we happily received.

It might be older than this parade (by a couple of years), but for many, and we love them, The Mamas & the Papas’ song will never grow old.

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